Friday, June 17, 2016

Controlling global settings of a Web dynpro

To check and modify settings of a web dynpro use transaction SICF and select service WD_GLODAL_SETTING.

Right click on the service and here you find options you can change and set as per your need.

We had an issue where the the technical information was visible to users if they right clicked on a the webdynpro links but this was resolved by removing the S_DEVELOP authorization from the user running the services in SICF.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Interesting transactions

So in the course of this week I worked on two interesting transactions. One is to activate smart forms ( e.g in the New HR Renewal 1.0/2.0 for manager/employee self services)

The transaction name is smartforms and you have to Step one Verify form + Step 2 Activate function module

the other transaction is SMMS for message server monitoring