Friday, November 25, 2016

Virus scan profiles

Useful transactions for managing virus scan profiles are:




I am still working on this issue and will give an update ASAP.

/usr/sap/trans FULL!!!!!

So the other day I was importing some new support packages using SPAM and the status was not changing. Checking the logs it seems nothing was happening

On checking /usr/sap/trans i realised the file system was 100% used!

Useful tp commands while in the /usr/sap/trans/bin directory

tp check all pf=<transport_profile>

tp clearold all pf=<transport_profile>

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Issue in MOPZ (maintenance optimizer)

When creating a new planned maintenance in SOLMAN using MOPZ , the solution is displayed but there is no product version in the dropdown.

This can be solved by migrating the product using transaction LMDB since it is no longer done using SMSY.